UNION ISLAND ENVIRONMENTAL ALLIANCE (UIEA): “Revitalization and Maintenance of the Diablo Beach.”
The Diablo beach which is currently a site where destructive practices like dumping, storage for dilapidated boats and Sand mining occur has caught the attention of the UNION ISLAND ENVIRONMENTAL ALLIANCE (UIEA). The UIEA would implement a major clean up of the Diablo beach which will endeavour to remove accumulated debris that currently impedes the water flow through the mangrove and facilitates the accumulation of garbage. The Diablo beach is located on the south-eastern side of Union Island and holds both ecological, historical and cultural significance. The project area is home to a mangrove forest, migratory shorebirds and other resident species and the oldest gravesite dating back to almost 200 years.
The goal of the project is to improve the overall environmental and cultural well-being of the area. This will be achieved through three main objectives to include a major clean-up of the area, breaching of the fill material foundation to allow water circulation and the installation of seating infrastructure for community use. UIEA believes that these first steps will place the area on a positive trajectory of ecological and cultural recovery and rebuild pride in locals’ perception of the environment. The project would be implemented over a period of six months.