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News About the SVGCF

NATIONAL PARKS RIVERS AND BEACHES AUTHORITY (NPRBA): Rehabilitation of Dark View Falls and Owia Salt Pond Recreation Sites

rehabilitating two critical National Parks on Mainland St. Vincent, Dark View Falls Recreation Park and Owia Salt Pond Recreation Park to their pre-volcanic eruption levels. The NPRBA aims to provide a quality visitor experience in line with safety, security, enjoyment and conservation awareness.


The grant is part of the IAF wider Covid response support to the Caribbean and Latin america. With funding from the Inter- American Foundation (IAF), Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Conservation Fund (SVGCF)’s will support Civil Society Organizations in the conservation, restoration, and effective management of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines biodiversity and natural resources.

Small Grants Program for CSOs, Call for Participation

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Conservation Fund (SVGCF) has received funding from the Inter-American Foundation (IAF)
for a project that seeks to address the need for CSOs to increase their capacity to more efficiently conceptualize, manage and
implement projects and programs that will solve ongoing environmental and sustainable livelihood challenges. Selected CSOs
will participate in capacity building workshops/trainings and will then be eligible to apply for a small grant from the SVGCF.

Small Grants Program For CSOs

funding from the Inter-American
Foundation (IAF) for a project that seeks to address the need for CSOs to increase their capacity to more
efficiently conceptualize,
